Sunday, December 27, 2009

Understanding yoga and calming the 1st class jitters

By Body and Mind staff
December 27, 2009, 12:01AM

Types of yoga

There are more than 20 types of yoga, which might make finding the one that’s right for you a challenge. Yoga instructors recommend trying several different types — usually yoga studios offer a one-time class fee — before signing up for a regular regimen.

There aren’t any official licensing requirements for yoga teachers in the United States; however the Yoga Alliance is an organization that creates minimum educational standards for yoga teacher training programs.

Here are some of the more popular types:

  • Hatha is the yoga of physical well-being, designed to balance body, mind and spirit. Popular in America as a source of exercise and stress management, many yoga styles spring from Hatha.
  • Ashtanga (or Astanga) is a physically challenging yoga to build strength, flexibility and stamina using a set series of poses always performed in the same order. Ashtanga is an athletic yoga practice and not for beginners.
  • Power yoga is the American interpretation of ashtanga yoga, taken one step further. Many of the poses resemble basic calisthenics — push-ups and hand stands, toe touches and side bends — but each move flows into the next without pause, making it an intense aerobic workout.
  • Iyergar promotes strength, flexibility, endurance and balance by integrating poses that require precise body alignment and are held longer. Props such as cushions, straps, blankets and blocks are used.
  • Kripalu focuses on learning basic postures and holding them for an extended time while developing concentration and inner awareness.
  • Kundalini stresses movement and breath over postures, with the purpose of awakening the energy at the base of the spine and drawing it upward. A typical class includes chanting, meditation and breathing exercises.
  • Bikram is a set series of 26 yoga poses done in 95-degree heat for a comprehensive workout for muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular flexibility and weight loss.
  • Hot yoga is similar to Bikram but without the same precise sequence of poses.

Calming 1st class jitters

Part of the yoga experience is feeling peaceful and relaxed, but that might be hard if you’re coming to yoga class for the first time and feeling a little intimidated. Here are some helpful things to know for your first class:

  • Your yoga mat: A yoga mat is an item you should own, not borrow. They are available in stores as well as online. Before you use a new mat, wash it in cold water — otherwise it will still be slippery.
  • Eating before class: It is best to come to class on an empty stomach. Wait at least two hours after a full meal before practicing. You can take a glass of juice or a piece of fruit up to an hour beforehand. After class, be sure to drink plenty of water or herbal tea.
  • What to wear: Wear loose, light and comfortable clothing. Before starting class you will need to remove your wristwatch, belt or any jewelry that might interfere with your movements. Yoga is practiced with bare feet.
  • Health considerations: Let your instructor know if you have any specific health conditions, such as high blood pressure, back problems, recent surgery, pregnancy, etc. If you feel strong discomfort during the class, stop what you’re doing and rest.


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